Thursday, December 14, 2006

Traffic Policemen…

…in Bombay wear coffee coloured trousers, white shirts, angled blue caps and direct traffic very vigorously; one gets the impression that they either care a lot for the city and want to see people get home quickly and thereby keep the arterial roads clear, or they get an absolute high by making vehicles move at their command!!!

…in Bangalore wear coffee coloured trousers, white shirts, a white hat with a strap around their jaw and direct traffic with a lazy wave of their hands or in regal aerobics fashion. One gets the impression that they want people to take it easy and relax in the Garden City!!!

…in Delhi wear blue trousers, white shirts, a blue cap and are generally unseen at traffic junctions. One only gets the impression that they are not traffic policemen, but traffic observers; or worse, a vehicular density counter which feeds information regarding density to the digital traffic signal counter!!!


Anonymous said...

nominate for creative writing competition at incident 2007 :) ( alumni section )

Unknown said...

Beautiful excerpts. Thanks for the highlights Deepak :).