Buck up IE members. Whats happening?
On a related note, Newswagon, the satirical newspaper of KREC also has a 'website' similar to IE.
Wonder of wonders, the students' union, that destroyer of carefully built up friendships has a working website.
Ah, memories...
...the IE 'interviews'
...making a fool of myself @ the newswagon 'interview'
...the proxy war with Newswagon during Crrescendo 2004 over "Anna Karenina"
...THE pep-talk of Elections 2003-04 "We've got them by the balls; and its now time to squeeze"
...overworked and sleepless hospitality committee work
Wish I could live those days again!!!!
Cmon DK !!
This just goes on to show that the Nwagon and IE are geekiest clubs out there !! :D :D
btw...I like the tag "wishful" :D ...
I also hate the fact that you hardly ever reply to any comments posted on your blog !!
( that wont stop me from commenting, but it wont even stop me from bitching about YOU to YOURself on YOUR own blog :D )
well, now that you have pointed it out, looking at the IE and NW website, one feels that it could be a design by itself, enabling only the geekiest to enter :D
fool of myself @ the newswagon 'interview'
explain maadi ..i dont remem ??
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