Thursday, July 12, 2007

For the 'club' mentored KRECian

As a former IE member, it pains me to see the state of the Institution of Engineers, Students' Chapter in comparison with Computer Society of India (CSI) and ISTE!!!

Check the websites....


Buck up IE members. Whats happening?

On a related note, Newswagon, the satirical newspaper of KREC also has a 'website' similar to IE.

Wonder of wonders, the students' union, that destroyer of carefully built up friendships has a working website.

Ah, memories...

...the IE 'interviews'

...making a fool of myself @ the newswagon 'interview'

...the proxy war with Newswagon during Crrescendo 2004 over "Anna Karenina"

...THE pep-talk of Elections 2003-04 "We've got them by the balls; and its now time to squeeze"

...overworked and sleepless hospitality committee work

Wish I could live those days again!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cmon DK !!

This just goes on to show that the Nwagon and IE are geekiest clubs out there !! :D :D

btw...I like the tag "wishful" :D ...

Anonymous said...

I also hate the fact that you hardly ever reply to any comments posted on your blog !!

( that wont stop me from commenting, but it wont even stop me from bitching about YOU to YOURself on YOUR own blog :D )

Deepak Krishnan said...

well, now that you have pointed it out, looking at the IE and NW website, one feels that it could be a design by itself, enabling only the geekiest to enter :D

Anonymous said...

fool of myself @ the newswagon 'interview'

explain maadi ..i dont remem ??